Ed's Blackjack
Book Collection
Last update
and revision: August, 2020
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each image of the two photos below for a larger and more detailed view.
1 | 101 Ways To Win At Blackjack | Tom Hagen |
2 | 1536 Free Waters and other Blackjack Endeavors | Glen Wiggy |
3 | A Book on Casino Blackjack | C. Ionescu Tulcea |
4 | Archer Method of Winning at 21, The | John Archer |
5 | Basic Blackjack | Stanford Wong |
6 | Beat Multiple Deck Blackjack | Marten Jensen |
7 | Beat The Dealer - A Winning Strategy for the Game of Twenty One | Edward O. Thorp |
8 | Betting On Blackjack | Frits Dunki-Jacobs |
9 | Big Book of Blackjack, The | Arnold Snyder |
10 | Big Player, The | Ken Uston |
11 | Blackbelt in Blackjack - Playing 21 as a Martial Art (First Edition) | Arnold Snyder |
12 | Blackbelt in Blackjack - Playing 21 as a Martial Art (Third Edition) | Arnold Snyder |
13 | Blackjack - A Winner's Handbook | Jerry L. Patterson |
14 | Blackjack - Your Way to Riches | Richard Albert Canfield |
15 | Blackjack Attack - Playing The Pros' Way | Don Schkesinger |
16 | Blackjack Autumn | Barry Meadow |
17 | Blackjack Bluebook II - the Simplest Winning Strategies Ever Published! | Fred Renzey |
18 | Blackjack Blueprint, The | Rick "Night Train" Blaine |
19 | Blackjack Card Counting - How to be a Professional Gambler | Greg Elder |
20 | Blackjack Essays | Mason Malmuth |
21 | Blackjack For Blood (revised edition) | Bryce Carlson |
22 | Blackjack Life, The | Nathaniel Tilton |
23 | Blackjack Strategy | Michael Benson |
24 | Blackjack The Smart Way | Richard Harvey |
25 | Blackjack's Winning Formula | Jerry L. Patterson |
26 | Breakthrough in Blackjack | Marvin G. Lindemann |
27 | Bringing Down The House | Ben Mezrich |
28 | Burning the Tables in Las Vegas | Ian Andersen |
29 | Busting Vegas - The MIT Whiz Kid who Brought the Casinos to their Knees | Ben Mezrich |
30 | Color of Blackjack, The | Daniel Dravot |
31 | Complete Book Of Blackjack, The | T. J. Reynolds |
32 | Count Me In | Al Simon |
33 | Cutting Edge Blackjack | Richard Harvey |
34 | Down For Double | Raleigh James |
35 | Dummy Up and Deal - The Ups and Downs of 21 Dealers | Lee Solkey |
36 | Easy Money Blackjack - The Ultimate Blackjack Betting System | Bill Browne |
37 | Gambling Times Guide to Blackjack, The | Stanley Roberts |
38 | Get The Edge At Blackjack | John May |
39 | How To Win At Blackjack | Charles Einstein |
40 | I Am A Card Counter | Frank Scoblette |
41 | Ken Uston on Blackjack - The Adventures of the King of "21" | Ken Uston |
42 | Knock Out Blackjack - The Easiest Card-Counting System Ever Devised | Olaf Vancura, Ph.D. & Ken Fuchs |
43 | Million Dollar Blackjack | Ken Uston |
44 | Modern Blackjack - Volume I | Norm Wattenberger |
45 | Modern Blackjack - Volume II | Norm Wattenberger |
46 | Modern Card Counting | Cris Statz |
47 | New Ways To Win More At Blackjack | Richard Harvey |
48 | Play Blackjack like the Pros | Kevin Blackwood |
49 | PlayBoy's Guide To Casino Gambling - Volume Two: Blackjack | Edwin Silberstang |
50 | Playing Blackjack as a Business - A Textbook on Blackjack | Lawrence Revere |
51 | Playing Blackjack in Atlantic City | C.R. Chambliss / T.C. Roginski |
52 | Powerful Profits From Blackjack | Victor H. Royer |
53 | Prince of Darkness: The World of High Stakes Blackjack | Carl Sampson |
54 | Professional Blackjack | Stanford Wong |
55 | Progression Blackjack | Donald Dahl |
56 | Sklansky Talks Blackjack | David Sklansky |
57 | The Everything Blackjack Strategy Book | Tom Hagen & Sonia Weiss |
58 | Theory of Blackjack, The | Peter A. Griffin |
59 | Turning the Tables on Las Vegas | Ian Andersen |
60 | Twenty-first Century Blackjack | Walter Thomason |
61 | Two Books on Blackjack | Ken Uston |
62 | Ultimate Edge, The | Mark Billings |
63 | Ultimate Blackjack Book - Playing Blackjack with Multiple Decks, The | Edward Early |
64 | Winning Blackjack | Lyman Hall, Ph.D. |
65 | Winning Blackjack For The Serious Player | Edwin Silberstang |
66 | Winning Casino Blackjack for the Non-Counter | Avery D. Cardoza |
67 | Women's Guide To Blackjack, A | Angie Marshall |
68 | World's Greatest Blackjack Book, The | Lance Humble, Ph.D. / Carl Cooper, Ph.D. |