Havannah Helper
Edward D. Collins
Coming Soon!
The next version will handle all board sizes from base-4 thru base-10!
(The current version only supports base-8 and base-10.)
Current Version: 1.03
thumbnail screen shot - click for a larger
Havannah Helper is
a program I wrote that will allow you to load Havannah games, page forward and backward through the game, and to
examine possible lines and variations.
Havannah Helper is a 32-bit Windows program and thus requires Windows 95 or later to run. (Windows 98, XP, Vista, etc.) It also requires a minimum resolution of 1,024 by 768.
There are many items on my To DO list... check back regularly for updates! |
Version .90
Version .85
Version .74
Version: .70
Suggestions for updates? Questions? Bug Reports?
Send me an e-mail!