Ed's Poker
Book Collection
Last update
and revision: February 11, 2022
Below is a
photograph of my collection of poker books. I have 240
different titles. I'm very proud of this collection. (Although I'm even more proud of my 625+ chess book collection!) I first began
reading and collecting
poker books in the mid-to-late 1970s. This is when I first started
playing poker with my high school classmates. We'd often
play after school and on weekends. I'd often use the money I won
to purchase a new poker book. Even at that age I loved playing poker, reading about
poker, studying poker, etc. |
Click on each of the three photos below for a larger
and more detailed view.
Here's a link to the
list of the books. The
link is a PDF file.
The list contains the book title, the name of the author, the copyright date,
the number of pages, and whether the book is a hardback or a paperback.
If you
think the above list is extensive, here's a 16-year-old list of
600+ poker books!