In each of these positions, Red is moving clockwise.

Note: These first four problems were created by Bill Davis  
and first published in GAMES magazine.

They are reprinted here with his permission.
Thanks Bill.


1) Down To The Wire

In the position below, Red has just rolled a 2-2. Blue is obviously going to win the game, the only question remaining is whether it will be for a gammon or not.

Since Red's roll of 2-2 fails to take a checker off, Red wants to maximize his bear-off chances for his next roll, assuming that Blue does not roll doubles on his next turn.

What is Red's best play?



2) Minimizing Shots

In the position below, Red has just rolled a 6-6 and must leave a shot to Blue not matter how he plays his roll. While it may not necessarily be the best move, how should Red play his roll to leave Blue with the minimum number of return shots?



3) A Switch In Time

Note that In the position below, Red has a checker on the bar. He has just rolled a 2-2.  What is the proper play?



4) Saving The Gammon

Assuming Blue does not throw double 2's (or greater) on his very next turn, there is only one move, in the position below, which will guarantee that Red will not be gammoned and because of this is Red's best play. It is...?



5) Simply a Matter of Counting

In the position below, Red has just rolled a 6-3. What is the proper play?



6) It's Worth the Risk

In the position below, Red has just rolled a 6-6. Note that Blue is on the bar. Your play?