NFL Office Pool

Version 4.10

Now available for
the 13th consecutive year!

Updated with the 2024
NFL Schedule! 

User Comments / Testimonials

My domestic partner has been using Version 1.01 of Ed's NFL Office Pool Calculator at her office and it really rocks!!! It is quite robust and a job you should feel proud of. Kudos - a very nice programming job and thank for sharing.

Another nice update, Ed, to your NFL Office Pool calculator! Much appreciated. - chickenman

I can't believe how much work you put into this!!  Wow!! I am just blown away. I had a question but your sheet answered it for me. - Troy

I downloaded your NFL Office Pool Calculator spreadsheet last night and played with it for awhile. Impressive work. It is almost perfect for my group, except it doesn't support confidence points. Have anyone ever tried to incorporate confidence points into your calculator? - Scott Johnson

It looks like you've done an amazing job. I clicked the Download NFL Winners button and like magic, the score of the Denver game appeared and the players who picked Denver had green picks. Awesome!

I just wanted to let you know that I had a great time using your calculator on Sunday. I had it open during the games and kept updating it as the games progressed. Watching the standings change with each score was a lot of fun. By the way, I gave your website info to my son who is teaching in Saudi Arabia in an International School there. Most of the teachers are from the US and Canada. He downloaded it and now there are about 10 teachers using your calculator for their Pick’em in Saudi on a weekly basis. Seems like you’ve truly gone "International." - Steve Smith

Ed - I just wanted to say thank you for your efforts in putting together your football pool calculator. Where I work we have at least 20 people a week that get into the weekly Pick 'Em and your spreadsheet makes it so easy, Thank you again for your time and effort that you put into it! - Dan Felock

Ed - The problem I originally mentioned was all mine. I run a little pool in the office and therefore keep the workbook on my desktop. However, we have a fairly robust firewall that blocks this feature. I sent a copy home and ran it on our laptop at home and it worked fantastically!!!

I absolutely love this NFL Pool Calculator, and, being a reasonably competent Excel user, I respect your design. I thank you for your help and wish you continued success! - John Finney

First off, I must say your football excel document is quite impressive! - Chris Redmond

Great program! Really well done. - Keith Hamada

You are a genius in our time. - Matthew Rose

Great! Thanks tons! Awesome work on this. We’ll be using it in Lakeway (Austin), TX all year now! - Michael Nelson

First off I just want to say THANK YOU!

I am in a pool with 25 people and the person who runs it uses a basic Excel spreadsheet and I was trying to keep track of how I was doing last week and it was driving me nuts. I was going to try to create something but I thought that someone out there must have done this before, and sure enough you did. And it is way beyond anything I would have been able to whip up, that's for sure! So thank you for creating what (after hours of Googling) I have determined is the best damn football pool calculator out there. - Rich Neves

I've been using your awesome spreadsheet and I really like it. Thanks for sharing. - Julie Henderson

I’d like to thank you for this sheet and making it available to the public. It has helped me tremendously. - Adam Habkirk

Thanks for making this publicly useable. Really good work. - Joseph Weston
Downloaded your NFL office pool calculator. Great work by the way. Love it and thanks.
- Anbu

Ed - Very, very nice job! - Chuck (San Diego)

Your program is the best thing out there. It has saved me a ton of time. Now only if I can get everyone involved in the pool to turn in there sheets on time. Haha. If you take donations I'm willing to give. Thanks for your time. - Michael Daley

Thank you for the great job on the NFL pool calculator. - Dale Domshy

I just gotta say, "Thanks again!"  It works great! - Keith Baggett

've been checking out your Excel NFL Pool Calculator and I must say it is amazing! I've ran an office pools for years and did everything manually! Our pool gets rather large sometime and I needed to find a solution. I found one I love.... yours! - John Slama

Fantastic Calculator! - Adam M. Lenke

I really enjoy using your program. It is actually really fun watching other people become eliminated after each game ends. Thanks for all of the time and hard work you have put into the program. - Cody Williams

Great job with this program. I've been telling all my friends about it. - Robert Kam

I just found your spreadsheet. It is terrific. - Paul Galvin

Why did you change the title of this website? It used to be called the "World's Greatest NFL Office Pool Calculator!" As far as I'm concerned, it still is! - James D.

Hmmmm, where to begin? How about, "Thanks?" You did a very nice job with your spreadsheet. I really liked the layout of the main page, and I was thrilled with the "download scores" button. It's obvious you put a lot of time and effort into developing it. And you went the extra mile to not only make it look nice, but to make it easy for the user to actually ... well, "use."

And thanks for indirectly inspiring me to dip a toe back into the programming waters. Once upon a time, I was a programmer. Now, I am not. I haven't been for a long time, and I've missed it so much. I've been running an office pool for a number of years, and it's been a major PITA. I put together a spreadsheet that took care of quite a few of the details, but there was still too much manual work that had to be done. I was about ready to hand it all off to someone else. Seeing what you did with VBA convinced me to put together an automated pool manager. I've really enjoyed myself.

I really appreciate that you did such fine work and were willing to share it with the world. Thank you. - Al Robinson

Let me start off by saying I really appreciate your work involving the NFL calculator. It is really a generous thing for you to do with your spare time. - Saul Herrera

Really appreciate all of your work and the awesome pool spreadsheet. I used it for the first time last year and really enjoyed working with it. - Phillip Lewis

I love the program. THANKS. One question... does it add the total points from both Monday Night games for tie-breaker? - Jeff Blakemore

Thanks for your football spreadsheet.. I used it last year. - Craig Anderson

Thank you for the great spreadsheet for the upcoming NFL season! - Whitney Merrill

This is our second year using your office pool spreadsheet. We really appreciate your efforts and we love the program! - Briton Tunseeprasert

Hi Edward. I am sending you a donation towards Ed's NFL Office Pool Calculator. It is a brilliantly complex but yet simple to use piece of work that I am using for the second year. Thanks for not locking it and having it as Shareware.  It's one of the reasons I am sending this donation. Many thanks for an excellent program. - Paul Wright

You have been WONDERFUL!! This truly has been a lifesaver for me. I have between 75 and 100 participants and I used to do it all by hand- checking books, keeping tallies. It took me hours! I appreciate you!! - Melva Newbrough

This is our fourth year using the workbook. It's great. The workbook makes running our football pool so much easier and more enjoyable. - Cheryl Lee & Chris Jackson

Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication. - Fred Partridge
Thanks, Ed. Love your spreadsheet! - David Wilson

This calculator is the bomb ever since I found it a few years ago.

Prior to this, I had my own pool using my own efforts to input the data, CORRECTLY, and obtain the results, CORRECTLY. As you must know, transcribing the player's picks, then the winners of everyone is simple yet needs to be 100% accurate. Though I loved people enjoying the pool, it was daunting every year. I contemplated not doing it after 12 or 13 years of running one. Then I found your calculator and I loved it!

Now, there are still some headaches, but none having to do with the calculator. Now it is just the normal problems. (Players getting their picks turned in on time, and completely, or fees paid and keeping track of who owes and who's paid in advance. And entering those picks from players who only turn the sheet in a hardcopy, or via text with just the winners, or use a different sheet that doesn't input.)

So, with all that said, THANK YOU for your hard work to create this EXCELLENT calculator. - Gilbert Casillas

Thank you so much for creating the spreadsheet! - Javier Perez
Thanks for the great and expedient work you have done on your program. - JC Willette

Amazing tool, much better than what I was going to build, good thing I stopped to search for a tool! Is it possible to make it download scores from previous weeks, I've been keeping track via my own spreadsheet and want to roll over to yours, and while I could manually enter the winners that is a lot more work than downloading scores. - Jeff Davis

Our group loves the program.  It is the best I have ever seen. Awesome job. - Duane Jones

I always wait until the last minute to start setting up, but I know that your program will be there (I hope) to bail me out.  I do not know what I would do without it!  I do not know how many years I've been using your program, but I can hardly believe that I used to manage all this by hand.  It was such a chore.  Your program has made my life so much easier.
Thanks again!  Go Niners!  - Stephanie Rollins

I love everything about your system!

Some of us use the 18-week spreadsheet but most use the single week I send out with the results spreadsheet.  There are a few dinosaurs (I say that with love) that just won't use the computer.  I copy their picks to the weekly and then copy and paste myself.  It is so much easier filling out the "X"s than typing the individual teams the way I used to.  

I work full time and Thursdays are no longer the nightmare they used to be. LOL

Thanks, Ed! You are the best!
- Stephanie Rollins

We have a family football pool and I have been creating spreadsheets with minimal Excel functionality and lots of manual entry, and lots of errors as I manually tally winners and losers. Your spreadsheet is a light years advancement for me. Although we don’t have need for some of the sophisticated functions like who is alive and the cross reference chart, just knowing they are there may create interest in various pool members seeing them.

But the ability to have a schedule already entered, and only have to enter the pools members in the Player_Picks tab and have the spreadsheet be able to automatically download game results and tally the weekly pool results is fantastic! No more manual errors. THANK YOU! - Joe Thomas

Your football Excel program is by far the greatest use of Excel to this date! I’m an avid Excel user myself, but anything I’ve created pales in comparison ….pales sir! - Meghan

Love your calculator. - Steph Logan

Love your calculator. I use it for my work pool here, with 90-100 people playing every week. - Declan Harte

Love the sheet and have used it for years. Started a work pool this year and makes it so easy and the employees here love the data! - Troy Crivellone

The spreadsheet is great! Thanks again! - Jeff Cota

I love the office pool calculator. Works perfect!! - David Amberger

Love the spreadsheet!!! - Josiah Farrell

I love your spreadsheet. You've made my life so much easier!! - Brian Sullivan

Awesome spreadsheet! Thank you! - William Lupin

First off… Congrats! Amazing! WOW!

I run several sport pools throughout the year and the NFL weekly pool is among them. I spend a ton of time searching for cool codes or new ways to tweak my spreadsheets. I’ve created my NFL spreadsheet using many of these and have created one that (in my opinion) is 100 times better than any I have found online who claim to provide this thing or that. However, YOURS is 1,000 times better than anything I could ever come up with.

My knowledge of Excel is limited and VBA, non-existent. I stumbled upon your calculator a couple of days ago and have been dissecting it little by little. None of anything you have created makes any sense to me, but I really love looking at all the hard work you have put into it. What you have created is amazing! In comparison, my spreadsheet has about 25 different pages (17 of which are just each week’s picks details). Your calculator does all of that on one page. Amazing. On each page I have a ranking system. Again, yours does that on the same page.

I could go on comparing, but let’s just say, everything I have created in mine, you’ve simplified in yours. I was very proud of my work, but after looking at yours, I can’t look at my spreadsheet the same way.

I am very happy that you have not only shared this with others, but have made it user friendly. I’ll be retiring my spreadsheet from this moment on.

Proud to use your calculator from this moment on.

Cheers! - Vincent Deslauriers

I’ve retired my very own (spreadsheet) and have been waiting anxiously for this year’s football season to use your calculator for the very first time. Trust me, you’ve already saved me so much work this year with management of this pool. I’m in your debt! - Vincent Deslauriers

I love your Office Pool Calculator. I have run our office pool for the past 12 years and it has always been a manual system to calculate the final spreadsheet. Although I have done several things to make it better each year I have never gone as far as what you offer in your spreadsheet. Our company has grown so much since 12 years ago that I almost don’t have time to do it any longer the manual way. - Mark Brady

Great work with your Excel football pool calculator. I've wanted to do something like this in SharePoint but couldn't get it going. - Peter Behler

I recently found your Football Pool calculator (spreadsheet) and absolutely love what you've done!!! Thank you!!! - Larry Clark

Thanks for the football pool (spreadsheet). It is awesome. You are awesome!! - Virginia Lopez

Ed - thanks so much for the football office pool spreadsheet. It makes my life so much easier! - Lynn Roehrborn

Thanks for the quick reply. Followed your instructions and it now works great. AWESOME work with the spreadsheet, by the way. This is my 3rd year using it for a pool with my two boys and my dad. - Brandon

I just love the program you created. It gets better with every upgrade. - britchie

Love your spreadsheet. - Cheltia Desantis

First off would love to say this is an awesome program you have designed. - Eric Chatfield

I am enjoying your spreadsheet. I have a huge question to ask you. Is there a particular website one could go to learn the Excel program as well as you seem to know it? - Mark Bowlin

I am so grateful to have found your Excel spreadsheet, as I am new to hosting a football pool! - Jaime Richardson

Great job with the calculator! Works great! - Edwin Algarin

First off, found this and passed it on to the guy here that looks after our pool. We both love it! - Lee Dehmer

First and foremost, the praise: I have no idea where I would be if I didn't have your handy Excel sheet, but it would not be a good place to be. - John Hefferman

I used your NFL Calculator 2015 and LOVED it! The spreadsheet was awesome and made things soooo much easier. Everyone now wants me to run a baseball pool. Any chance you will have a calculator for the upcoming baseball season? - Carrie Costa

I have used your office pool calculator the past three years and I'm looking forward to using it for my pool again this year.  It is a lifesaver!  Thank you! - Carrie Costa

Thank you so very much for your Ed's NFL Office Pool Calculator - Version 2.24. I've used it since last season, for a pool with people who follow the NFL. It's excellent. - Adrian Trevino

Love the product Ed! I started using it last year and it made my life easier! Keep up the great work. - Patrick Widdoss

I've been using your NFL Office Pool Calculator for a few years now, and it's great. Keep up the good work. - Laurence Jamieson Shetland Islands, UK.  (Go Steelers)

Ed, thanks for creating this NFL spreadsheet. I started using it last year for an office pool and it made it easy to keep track of everyone. - Robert Amendola

Thanks again for making the NFL Office Pool spreadsheet.  I appreciate your time and effort on putting this together.  Been using it the last couple of years!  Awesome work!  Here's a donation for you and thanks again! - George Santiago

Ed, you're the best!! Your work is amazing and I'm so glad I found your site so many years ago.  This calculator has saved me so much time running my weekly Pick 'Em each season and it absolutely worth $20.  Simply amazing!!  Thank you so much!! - Dan Felock

You put a lot of work into this. It's a great program. - Andy Gromen

"This calculator was phenomenal for the regular season! However, I’m having difficulty understanding how to work with this in the post-season. I can’t seem to add in the Week 18 schedule. Can you offer some advice? - Beau Hallavant

Hell of a program, when I'm not screwing up left and right. - Cesar Torres

Ed, you're the best!! Your work is amazing and I'm so glad I found your site so many years ago. This calculator has saved me so much time running my weekly Pick 'Em each season and it absolutely worth $20. Simply amazing!! Thank you so much!! - Dan Felock

Your pool calculator is such a great tool, it's really helped me keep track of how I'm going in my 52 person pool during the games, although it hasn't helped me win any money, but that's not your fault! You also got me interested in backgammon and I've now got my wife playing as well! - Derek Porter

I've used your spreadsheet for multiple years now and I see that we now have to pay, I don't blame you at all; you provide an amazing service! I have no problem contributing at all, please let me know how much and where I should send the funds. - Kim Fisher Jr.

Thank you so much!!!! I seriously couldn’t run our picks without this program every year. - Kendelle Innis

This is brilliant and seems to be working really well and a great time saver. - Billy

First, thank you for this great spread sheet. This has made our community pick pool much easier to maintain on my end! - Daron Lee Calhoun

Thank you. I love your calculator and have been using it for years now. - Cody Williams

Hi Ed – I will NEVER have a problem paying you for this calculator! It makes my life so easy during football season and I absolutely love using it. You deserve to be paid for all your work. - Kim Dermit

Thanks for maintaining the workbook again this season Ed. The degenerate gamblers here at Trilogy Plastics in Alliance Ohio appreciate it, but I appreciate it most as the guy who has to run this office pool. The workbook makes my life so much easier and I can actually find time to enjoy the games. Thank you for putting all the time you have into it, it really is a masterpiece. - George Murphy

I would be happy to contribute Ed! I’ll send something over to you as the season gets closer! Thanks so much for continuing to update this for everyone. Don’t know how long I been using your calculator now it’s been years. But I sure do know if you stop I’ll probably stop running my pools because your calculator is so easy to use and saves me so much time. So thank you again!
- Danny Moreno 


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